Missing you more every day it will never go away. I love you forever. I wish you were here but I will be there one day. I hope it should be me there or not you you wanted to live to be 200 I didn’t wanna live to be 40 until I got 40 but I don’t want to live to be an old lady, I want to go where are you are I love our kids, but they’re all grown have their own kids their own problems. They tried doing good for me, but there’s only so much you can do. The missing is never gonna stop so happiness is out of the way no matter how hard they try , I’m happy with them. I’m happiest with my grandkids. I’m proud of the mother that Holly has become. She worked so hard. She’s such a good mother I could never do what she’s doing and she does it by herself mostly well I don’t get on here very often anymore cause it only makes me feel worse but I need to write you a letter and let you know. I’m thinking about you all the time and I love you. See you soon I hope.
This candle was first lit on the 15th of June 2023 and will burn for 98 years 5 months and 18 days.